HandScapeTM Pro - Guided Tour
by MobiMate
This document will help you get acquainted with HandScape Pro. For full details - go to the
description page or download the manual (available there).
- Start
Install HandScape Pro on your Palm.
Launch HandScape Pro (answer the "Set HandScape as your default launcher" with "Yes"). Select the "Advanced" user mode
so you'll be able to access all of HandScape Pro's features.
Browse between the different categories/folders using the category selector (top right corner. You will note that HandScape has kept your original settings.
- Applications
Select one of the folder tabs.
Hold the pen down on an application icon until its context menu appears.
Tap "Open" to launch the application.
[You can, of course, open the application by tapping on its icon.]
[You can use the context menu to beam, delete and move applications between categories/folders as well.]
- Folders
Tap the "+" tab - the leftmost folder tab. You now see all folder tabs. You can enter the "Edit Folders"
screen by tapping the "..." Tab.
In it you can re-order your folders, delete, rename or add folders.
- File Manager
Tap the "Folders" icon at the top-left screen corner. This will open the File Manager.
Select any of the folders from the folder tree at the left to view its contents. You can change the view preferences by
tapping on the view selector buttons near the top-right corner of the screen. You can open applications and files,
move them by dragging and dropping, and peform many other actions - using context menus.
- Views
Launch HandScape by tapping the applications silk button.
Select the "vUnfiled" tab from the folders pop up menu.
Drag a view by holding down the pen on it while moving it around.
Hold the pen down on any view until its context menu appears (you can do the same by tapping the "menu" icon on the left corner of the view's title).
Tap "Move To…" and then choose a destination category. Confirm your choice by tapping ok. The view will be filed in the new category/folder.
Try the other functions offered by the context menu.
[You can resize, hide a view, hide a view's border, beam, delete, etc.]
[To resize a view, choose the resize option and then drag the bottom right corner].
Now you can arrange your desktop to suit your needs. Place the applications and views in appropriate category/folder (using the move option) and set the views size and location to your convenience.
Whenever you install new views, they'll appear in the "Unfiled (Views)" folder, from which you can relocate them.
- General
Open the "Preferences" screen from the the main menu (tap on the handheld's silkscreen "Menu" button) and selecting "Options"->"Preferences...". Get acquainted with available
preferences by selecting different tabs - using the selector buttons at the top of the screen.
Hold the pen down on any clear area in the screen until the desktop's context menu appears.
Tap the "Palm Info" option to receive Palm Os information.
Tap the "Show hidden views" to restore all views which you have hide.
Tap the "Exit to Palm OS" to activate the Palm's built in launcher.
Tap the silk "Menu" button and check HandScape's additional options.
With the "options" menu you can set HandScape's preferences, beam HandScape and register it.
With HandScape's preferences you can set an application that will always be launched at startup, set HandScape to be your default launcher and set the application icons display.
Hope you have enjoyed our tour through HandScape,
The MobiMate team.